Same Panic 12 on differnet servers

Evren Yurtesen yurtesen at
Mon Mar 1 08:07:19 PST 2004

David A. Koran wrote:
> It looks like the box became unstable after (and on) February 18th, 2004.
> The last time world was built on the machien previous to that (and the 
> 18th, world was not built) was on February 6th, 2004 (3:11pm EST). The 
> next time world was built was February 21st (and was the last time world 
> was built on the machine at 12:34pm EST). The source used for the build 
> would most likely be from at most 3-4 hours earlier.

It is just difficult to say something because you are the only person 
who is having these problems as it seems. There has been quite a bit of 
time since February 6th. Some other people must have had similar problems.

You can go back before February 6th with cvsup and downgrade your 
freebsd and see if it will fix the problem. Most probably you should go 
back to the last time when your build was stable. Then test it.

Although, I still think that the problem might be your virus/spam 
software. If I were you, I would track that closely, do you get anything 
in messages etc. that you ran out of memory?

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