FreeBSD constantly crashing

Thomas T. Veldhouse veldy at
Tue Jan 27 10:06:58 PST 2004

> The answer seems to be in your dmesg.
> pid 28555 (qmailadmin), uid 89: exited on signal 11
> ...that means you have bad ram in your new computer. It's common
> for computer stores to sell ram that is less than perfect. Replace the
> ram and you should be fine.
> Marina Brown

That is not the only reason for a signal 11 (or signal 10), just the most
quoted.  These can also be caused by over-optimized binaries.  I often see
signal 11s on all my FreeBSD machines when I optimize binaries (just with
the system compiler and -O -march=pentium4).  However, I NEVER see them
under Linux and all tests show normal for the hardware.  Simply put, I think
this is an overused stock answer to blame the hardware ... no offense to the
last poster intended.

Tom Veldhouse

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