Trolling and helping a spammer

Jesper Wallin z3l3zt at
Sun Jan 25 00:56:06 PST 2004


"First, someone who sends the same email to at least four mailing lists 
(freebsd, wine-devel, postgresql-hackers and ossi) is a spammer in my 
book. Replying to his email, especially to lists that are not relevant 
(i.e. - any but ossi) is helping him along."

Heh, it the same way Bush acts like afghanistan.. "hey! you didn't help 
us stop this 'terrorist', then you are on his side!" .. why even bother 
to care.. one mail more in the mailbox doesn't hurt anyone unless it's 
containing alot of advertisment or other commersial junk.. Also, by 
complaining to all of the lists, you're helping the dude spamming too 
(same goes for this mail) since your mail wasn't really relevant to the 
FreeBSD-Stable list..

Jesper Wallin

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