ANy difference between 5.X ports tree and 4.X ports tree ?

John Kennedy jk at
Wed Jan 14 09:27:55 PST 2004

On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 04:48:37PM +0000, Pete French wrote:
> As I understand it, the ports tree is the same for both STABLE and
> CURRENT isnt it ? So can I safely do a cvsup with the line
> ports-all tag=RELEASE_5_2_0
> to update my ports collection to the set which comes with 5.2
> release, despite the fact I am running 4.9 ? ...

  There are *lots* of differences between 4.x, 5.x and current given some
distance in time separating them, but you're right that the ports are more
or less the same.  They key word there is "more or less" -- there are tiny
differences (by volume) and that is what you're seeing.

  For example, if I look at the CVS history of the sendmail port, I might
see something like this:

   cvs log Makefile | grep -e RELEASE_5_[12] -e RELEASE_4_[89] -e ^head
	head: 1.83
		RELEASE_5_2_0: 1.83
		RELEASE_4_9_0: 1.77
		RELEASE_5_1_0: 1.71
		RELEASE_4_8_0: 1.65

  Anytime you see that version number bump up (4.9 at 1.77, 5.2 at 1.83)
then you're going to see alterations.  5.2 vs.  head wouldn't have caused
them in this one case, since they're the same.

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