Valgrind for FreeBSD

Matthias Andree ma at
Sat Apr 10 03:10:34 PDT 2004

Joe Halpin <j.p.h at> writes:

> This page refers to svn://
> but Mozilla apparently doesn't know what svn means (nor do I), and can't
> retrieve it. I tried changing it to http to no avail.

svn is the name of the command that the "subversion" (client-side)
revision control package installs, the home page being IIRC, with documentation ("The SVN book"
aka "Version Control with Subversion") at -
the tag line is "A compelling replacement for CVS."  If you're
familiar with CVS, switching to SVN doesn't appear too difficult.

I haven't used svn for anything else than checking out bleeding-edge
spamassassin code yet though.

Matthias Andree

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