Please confirm (conf#3cf11a7145595546740c6064dbc27044)

Michael Sierchio kudzu at
Mon Jun 30 07:10:30 PDT 2003

David G. Lawrence wrote:

>    I respectfully disagree with your second assertion that doing sender
> confirmations is 'a bad idea'.

ASK, TMDA, etc. seek to implement a notion in which the computational
burden of spam and malware is shifted to the client/sender.  This
generates a lot of extra traffic and work without the promised
benefits -- as witnessed here.

What would it do with my hotel reservation confirmation email?

Of course, blacklists don't work, either. ;-)  And my Bayesian
spam filter (attempting to catch what the blacklists don't)
occasionally tags legitimate mail as spam.

>    Despite this little hickup with ASK, I highly recommend it. It
> sucessfully filters about 99.999% of the spam that I get, while rarely
> blocking legitimate email.

Well, David, five nines to a cryptographer isn't a very high
percentage. Of course, my ISP thinks that three nines of
uptime is unattainable...

 > Download Technologies, Inc. - - (866) 399 8500

Kick Akamai's Butt!


"Well," Brahma said, "even after ten thousand explanations, a fool is no
  wiser, but an intelligent man requires only two thousand five hundred."
                 - The Mahabharata
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