need mail client

Wes Peters wes at
Mon Jun 23 22:28:27 PDT 2003

On Monday 23 June 2003 04:47 pm, Bill Campbell wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 04:07:39PM -0500, Larry Rosenman wrote:
> >--On Monday, June 23, 2003 14:02:21 -0700 Wes Peters
> > <wes at>
> >
> >wrote:
> >> On Saturday 21 June 2003 17:19, Yousif Hassan wrote:
> >>> KMail, which comes with the KDE desktop environment, is a good
> >>> GUI-based client.  KDE 3.x has been ported to FreeBSD.
> >>
> >> I use kmail daily, from 3 different machines, to access my IMAP
> >> server out "on the net".  It is, so far, the best IMAP client I've
> >> found.
> >
> >I'm using Mulberry.  I haven't gotten comfortable with Kmail.
> >
> >Mulberry 3.x is NICE.  (not free, but worth it).
> I've seen good comments about Mulberry, even some in the O'Reilly book
> on IMAP, but personally haven't been that impressed.
> On the rare occassions when I want to run a GUI mail client, I've found
> Sylpheed-claws the fastest and has the features I want (I'm basically a
> mutt-in-an-xterm guy though).
> One of the people we work with has very good things to say about the
> mail client in Ximian's Evolution.  I've had problems figuring it out,
> but that's probably because I've never used Microsoft's virus vector,
> Outlook.

I like Evolution OK, but I get tired of it doing stupid things like 
crashing every time I try to paste my signature into it's configuration 
dialog.  The 'virtual folder' sorting idea is a great feature, and I 
haven't given 1.4 a thorough wringing out.  I did go through the pain to 
upgrade to 1.4 at home, but it crashed within a few minutes of my first 
run and I haven't gone back.  kmail 3.1 just works too well.

I've tried Mulberry several times, but I always end up hating it for 
ditching all of my customizations every time it exits.  That is just so 
amateurish.  If they've finally fixed that, it might be time to try it 

Sylpheed seems a little crashy, and loses sync with the IMAP server too 
frequently to be of real use to me.  I keep tyring it, hoping it will 
actually become useful, I like the idea of a simple lightweight IMAP 
client that doesn't drag several GB of library code along with it.  Sigh.

Then there's mozilla mail and opera mail, but I've grown leery of mailers 
built into browsers, where a crash in one brings down the other as well.  
Neither are particularly stable, and tying them together, other than 
through the kde I/O slaves, seems to be a less than stellar idea.


        Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?

Wes Peters                                               wes at

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