/etc/libmap.conf MFC?

Joe Kelsey joek at mail.flyingcroc.net
Mon Jun 23 09:55:46 PDT 2003

Robert Watson wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Matthew N. Dodd wrote:
>>On Sat, 21 Jun 2003, Norikatsu Shigemura wrote:
>>>>"editing of shared libraries" problem I posted about earlier.  It also
>>>>does not seem like a real big deal to do an MFC for.
>>>	That's good idea.  I want this feature, too.
>>You should upgrade to 5.1 if it has features that you want. 
>>Adding new features to the STABLE branch this late in its lifetime seems
> 4.x will likely live on both in development and production for quite a
> long time, and will therefore likely see MFC's of much larger things than
> libmap.conf support.  That said, if you're not willing to
> backport/maintain it in 4.x, I agree that it will need to find an owner in
> order to make it to 4.x :-). 

Maybe nork can step up to the plate?  The step from ports committer to 
core committer seems large, but maybe not as large as going from 

OTOH, I can (if necessary) come up with the steps necessary to commit 
this to -STABLE.  I personally do not see why such a minor change should 
cause such a big deal.  Add two files, apply extremely mionr changes to 
several others, done!


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