5.1 for production systems

Matthias Buelow mkb at mukappabeta.de
Fri Jun 20 17:51:00 PDT 2003

Doug Hardie writes:

>Some time ago there was an announcement that people should not use 5.0 
>for critical production systems.  Now that 5.1 is available, what is 
>the consesous on it?  Should it be used for critical production systems 

If you can get it to boot... 5.x seems to be a bit picky about
what machines it can be booted on.  For example, on our HP Netserver
LH Pro, that's a no-go (4.x installed fine, though).  I've heard
other reports, especially notebooks, where installing 5.x was still
a bit on the rough edge (or plainly not working.)

Matthias Buelow;  mkb@{mukappabeta.de,informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de}

    ``Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem.''
        -- William of Ockham (~1285-1349, "Occam's Razor")

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