dvd+rw+r for FreeBSD -- Recap of successful steps

Andrew Gould andrewgould at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 17 12:58:43 PDT 2003

To recap the results of recent emails regarding the
use of dvd+rw-tools on FreeBSD:

I'm running FreeBSD 4.8-Stable with a Sony DRU-500A as
my only CD/DVD device.  My computer has an Athlon
Thunderbird 900 with 1.5G RAM.

0. Be the root user, by whatever means you use.

1. Get dvd+rw-tools- from:

2. Extract the file, 'cd' into the directory and
execute 'make install'.

3. Make sure you have mkisofs 2.0. If not, install it
from the ports.

4. If you're going to burn CD's, install cdrecord. (I
successfully burned a CD.)

5. Make sure you kernel is compiled with:
     #ATA and ATAPI devices
     device	atapicam
     #SCSI peripherals
     device	scbus
     device	da
     device	cd
     device	pass
6. Change the cdrom's entry in /etc/fstab. With my
configuration, I changed /dev/acd0c to /dev/cd0c. Try
to mount a cdrom.

7. If scsi passthru is working each of the following
commands should list your CD/DVD device:
     camcontrol devlist
     cdrecord --scanbus

8. Format new DVD+RW's by executing:
     dvd+rw-format -leadout [device]

9. Burn each DVD+RW's first image with:
     growisofs -Z [device] [mkisofs options] [files]

     To burn all files in the current directory I
     growisofs -Z /dev/cd0c -r -l *

10. To burn additional files to the DVD+RW, replace
'-Z' with '-M' in step 9.

Best of luck; and a big "THANKS!" to everyone who
helped me out!

Andrew Gould

--- Matthew Dillon <dillon at apollo.backplane.com>
>    Did you format the DVD+RW ?  DVD+RW disks have to
> be formatted exactly
>    once before you can burn them.  Once formatted
> you can burn them over 
>    and over again.  See the dvd+rw-format program.
>    If that doesn't work run dvd+rw-mediainfo with
> the DVD+RW in the drive.
>    I'm not an expert but the 500A does work for me
> with DVD+RW disks.
> 						-Matt
> :Update:  Progress without success
> :
> :I've recompiled my system and kernel with atapicam.
> :Executing 'camcontrol devlist' results in a listing
> of
> :my dvd burner as a scsi device.  Once I changed
> :'/dev/acd0c' to '/dev/cd0c' in /etc/fstab, I was
> able
> :to mount a cdrom in /dev/cd0c to /cdrom.
> :
> :I executed the following as root ('./testfile' is a
> :short text file.):
> :
> :>growisofs -Z /dev/cd0c -R -J ./testfile
> :
> :Resutls:
> :Executing 'mkisofs -R -J testfile | builtin_dd
> :of=/dev/pass0 obs=32k seek=0'
> ::-[ LBA=0h, SENSE KEY=5h/ASC=30h,ASCQ=10h ]
> ::-( write failed: Invalid argument
> :
> :Any ideas?
> :
> :Thanks,
> :
> :Andrew Gould

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