Sudden and unexplained reboots

Noor Dawod noor at
Wed Jun 4 22:55:21 PDT 2003

Hi again,

I must say that I believe I forgot to mention four main factors that
might aid in finding the cause of the panic:

1) I use ipfw to limit allowed connections to the machine. I
specifically limit connections to (ftpd) all along, which means that for
some weird reason, the kernel panic'ed in (ftpd) while it shouldn't have
been running at all.

2) the machine is based on a server motherboard and case, manufactured
by Intel, and its hardware is highly appreciated. I had no problem with
it at all ever.

3) Apache is failing to start on few occasions with sudden 'Signal 4' or
'Signal 11' exit codes. Restarting it would work most of the times.

4) kernel is built using "-O2 -pipe" make options.

The above information is the currently used ones. I am building a new
kernel now without the "-O2 -pipe" options, using a newly built world.

I might add that the server has been rebooting yesterday every 1-2
hours, systematically. Last night I went to the ISP, opened the server
up, validated that everything is working, then disabled (ftpd) at all
from inetd. Now there's no way to start (ftpd)...

Guess what? The server has been up for 7 hours now, and while it did so,
it did all the dirty work that it usually does at night: calculating
statistics, rsync'ing sources with other servers, building a new world,
and other stuff... It didn't reboot, yet.

Just few more information while trying to solve this case...


| -----Original Message-----
| From: James Long [mailto:stable at] 
| Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 12:46 AM
| To: Noor Dawod
| Cc: freebsd-stable at
| Subject: Re: Sudden and unexplained reboots
| On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 06:37:55AM +0200, Noor Dawod wrote:
| > 
| > The panic's details are as follows:
| > 
| > Fatal trap 12		= page fault while in kernel mode
| I'd test memory thoroughly next.

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