sun keyboards in xorg

Andrew Belashov bel at
Tue Nov 8 05:47:41 PST 2005

Hello, Stive!

Steve Joynt wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can i get a Sun type 6 keyboard working under xorg? I've had a
> look through the list archives but can't quite work out what I need to
> do. I'm running a fresh 6.0 install on a Sun Ultra 10, and at the
> moment I've got the following in my xorg.conf:
> Section "InputDevice"
>     Identifier  "Keyboard1"
>     Driver      "kbd"
>     Option      "XkbRules" "sun"
>     Option      "XkbModel" "type6"
>     Option      "XkbKeyCodes" "type6"
>     Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
> EndSection
> I've tried various options, with both "kbd" and "keyboard" as the
> driver. Is there a patch I need to apply to get it to work?
> thanks,
> - steve

I use russian type6 keyboard. My local patch to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
is attached.

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Keyboard0"
        Driver      "kbd"
        Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
        Option "XkbRules"       "sun"
        Option "XkbModel"       "type6"
        Option "XkbKeycodes"    "sun(type6_ru)"
        Option "XkbLayout"      "ru"
        Option "XkbOptions" "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle"

With Best Regards,
 Andrew Belashov.
-------------- next part --------------
--- ./keycodes/sun.orig	Sat Apr 23 21:51:16 2005
+++ ./keycodes/sun	Fri Apr 29 15:30:12 2005
@@ -817,3 +817,147 @@
     alias <LCTL> = <AC00>;
     alias <CAPS> = <AA00>;
+xkb_keycodes "type6_ru" {
+    minimum= 8;
+    maximum= 223;
+    <ESC>  = 36;
+    <AE01> = 37;
+    <AE02> = 38;
+    <AE03> = 39;
+    <AE04> = 40;
+    <AE05> = 41;
+    <AE06> = 42;
+    <AE07> = 43;
+    <AE08> = 44;
+    <AE09> = 45;
+    <AE10> = 46;
+    <AE11> = 47;
+    <AE12> = 48;
+    <TLDE> = 49;
+    <BKSP> = 50;
+    <TAB>  = 60;
+    <AD01> = 61;
+    <AD02> = 62;
+    <AD03> = 63;
+    <AD04> = 64;
+    <AD05> = 65;
+    <AD06> = 66;
+    <AD07> = 67;
+    <AD08> = 68;
+    <AD09> = 69;
+    <AD10> = 70;
+    <AD11> = 71;
+    <AD12> = 72;
+    <DELE> = 73;
+    <COMP> = 74;
+    <ALGR> = 20;
+    alias <RALT> = <ALGR>;
+    <LCTL> = 83;
+    <AC01> = 84;
+    <AC02> = 85;
+    <AC03> = 86;
+    <AC04> = 87;
+    <AC05> = 88;
+    <AC06> = 89;
+    <AC07> = 90;
+    <AC08> = 91;
+    <AC09> = 92;
+    <AC10> = 93;
+    <AC11> = 94;
+    <BKSL> = 95;
+    <RTRN> = 156;
+    <LFSH> = 189;
+    <AB01> = 190;
+    <AB02> = 191;
+    <AB03> = 192;
+    <AB04> = 197;
+    <AB05> = 198;
+    <AB06> = 199;
+    <AB07> = 200;
+    <AB08> = 202;
+    <AB09> = 203;
+    <AB10> = 204;
+    <RTSH> = 205;
+    <LALT> = 26;
+    <CAPS> = 126;
+    <LMTA> = 127;
+    <SPCE> = 128;
+    <RMTA> = 129;
+    <FK01> = 12;
+    <FK02> = 13;
+    <FK03> = 15;
+    <FK04> = 17;
+    <FK05> = 19;
+    <FK06> = 21;
+    <FK07> = 23;
+    <FK08> = 24;
+    <FK09> = 25;
+    <FK10> = 14;
+    <FK11> = 16;
+    <FK12> = 18;
+    <STOP> = 8;
+    <AGAI> = 10;
+    <PROP> = 32;
+    <UNDO> = 33;
+    <FRNT> = 56;
+    <COPY> = 58;
+    <OPEN> = 79;
+    <PAST> = 80;
+    <FIND> = 183;
+    <CUT>  = 104;
+    <PRSC> = 29;
+    <SCLK> = 30;
+    <PAUS> = 28;
+    <NMLK> = 188;
+    <KPDV> = 53;
+    <KPMU> = 54;
+    <KPSU> = 78;
+    <KP7>  = 75;
+    <KP8>  = 76;
+    <KP9>  = 77;
+    <KPAD> = 132;
+    <KP4>  = 180;
+    <KP5>  = 125;
+    <KP6>  = 181;
+    <KP1>  = 207;
+    <KP2>  = 208;
+    <KP3>  = 209;
+    <KPEN> = 169;
+    <KP0>  = 182;
+    <KPDL> = 57;
+    <UP>   = 27;
+    <LEFT> = 31;
+    <DOWN> = 34;
+    <RGHT> = 35;
+    <INS>  = 51;
+    <HOME> = 59;
+    <END>  = 81;
+    <PGUP> = 223;
+    <PGDN> = 130;
+    <HELP> = 220;
+    <MUTE> = 52;
+    <VOL-> = 9;
+    <VOL+> = 11;
+    <POWR> = 55;
+    indicator 4 = "Caps Lock";
+    indicator 3 = "Compose";
+    indicator 2 = "Scroll Lock";
+    indicator 1 = "Num Lock";
--- ./keycodes.dir.orig	Sat Apr 23 21:51:16 2005
+++ ./keycodes.dir	Mon Apr 25 10:59:26 2005
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
 -------- -------- sun(type4_euro)
 -------- -------- sun(type5_euro)
 -------- -------- sun(type6_euro)
+-------- -------- sun(type6_ru)
 -------- -------- sun(type5_se)
 -------- -------- sun(type5c_se)
 -------- -------- sun(type4__se)
--- ./keymap.dir.orig	Sat Apr 23 21:51:17 2005
+++ ./keymap.dir	Fri Apr 29 15:32:23 2005
@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
 -------- -------- sun/ru(type4_ru_openlook)
 -d------ -------- sun/ru(type5_ru)
 -------- -------- sun/ru(type5_ru_openlook)
+-------- -------- sun/ru(type6_ru)
 -------- -------- sun/fi(type4_fi)
 -------- -------- sun/fi(type4_fi_openlook)
 -d------ -------- sun/fi(type5_fi)

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