Vinum under Sparc64

Harti Brandt brandt at
Mon May 5 02:56:22 PDT 2003

On Thu, 1 May 2003, James Taylor wrote:

JT>I'm trying to get vinum setup to create a raid5 array, but am running
JT>into some snags due to the lack of disklabel support.  From what I
JT>understand, to do any partition management you need to run sysinstall to
JT>create your partitions.  The only options here after creating partitions
JT>however is to set it up as either ufs or swap.  How would you go about
JT>setting the partition type to vinum without being able to run disklabel

I did a newfs on my partitions for vinum and then just called vinum to
build the array. I don't know why that worked, but it did.

harti brandt,
brandt at, harti at

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