FreeBSD 5.0 on sun blade 100

Francis little oggy at
Thu May 1 08:15:44 PDT 2003

You should be able to navigate sysinstall by using Ctrl-N and Ctrl-P for
up and down, Ctrl-D for delete and space to select. The cursor will
flicker for a second on the highlighted option.

hope this helps...

>>> neal elliott <nealelliott at> 05/01/03 03:54pm >>>
Hello to all,
            I have tried to install FreeBSD on my workstation. I have 
tried all 5 term options
that I am given at the begining of the install and I am unable to use 
the arrow keys in the
sysinstall menu. I have a "sun type 6 USB" keyboard. what can I do to 
get this to work.
I don't have a serial cable to use for the serial console.

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