Stability of RELENG_5_4 with dual Xeon

Andrew McNaughton andrew at
Sun May 15 22:35:38 PDT 2005

I'd be interested to hear people's recent experiences with Dual Xeons 
under load with SMP on and HTT off.

A while back there were stability problems with Dual Xeon machines.  I've 
got one of these in production with SMP turned off for the time being.  I 
figure at some point things are stable enough to enable the extra 
processor safely, but I don't have a spare machine for testing safely.

I gather there are still problems with Dual Xeon with both SMP and HTT 
turned on, but that turning HTT off helps.  So the question is how stable 
is that configuration?

Andrew McNaughton

Andrew McNaughton 
andrew at          Mobile: +61 422 753 792

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