Request pointers to current-generation SMP boards

Len Conrad LConrad at
Thu Dec 4 05:54:09 PST 2003

>I hope to talk the boss into something that is _really_ muscular, in
>hope that the rising tide of spam, worms, etc., won't swamp the poor
>thing after 6 months to a year.

Have the MX machine reject based on the envelope info, which will stop 90+% 
of the spam.  You don't need a very powerful box as MX to do envelope rejection

Then pass the remainder to a box much less powerful than you imagine for 

What volume of msgs do you have today?  100K? 500K msgs?

here's the stats for yesterday:

Grand Totals

  186580   received
   26185   delivered
       0   forwarded
     109   deferred  (199  deferrals)
     252   bounced
  199942   rejected (88%)

.... for an MX machine that is 330 MHz, 256 MB RAM, one ATA33 disk.

  7:59AM  up 35 days,  9:56, 1 user, load averages: 0.84, 0.36, 0.18

The .84 is due to a lot of hourly maillog scanning done by reporting 
programs in the last 10 minutes of the hour (ie, not mail relaying 
activity).  The .18 is a more accurate indication of the load.

So you can see that scanning 26k mgs received vs the 200K rejected is huge 
difference in volume, with a huge reduction in the requirements for 
expensive content-scanning.

Note the 26K is really about 19K inbound and 7k outbound, meaning the 
content-scanning would only look at the 19K.


_____________________________________________________________________ Orlando; San Jose anti-spam gateway, effective on 1000's of sites, free

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