ichsmb SMP safe [in 4.7]?

Don Bowman don at sandvine.com
Wed Apr 9 16:45:12 PDT 2003

is the ichsmb driver SMP safe in 4.7?

I have a supermicro x5DPR-8g2+ motherboard with 2 2.8GHz XEON.
If I compile a non-SMP kernel for it, it works well on
accessing the SMB to get the Xeon temperature.

If I compile an SMP kernel for it, I get one of two things:
messages like 'ichsmb0: device timeout, status=0x42',
or else the system locks up.

It really comes down to the ichsmb_wait function i think.
I do a 'readb'. This does:

static int
ichsmb_wait(sc_p sc)
        error = tsleep(sc, PZERO | PCATCH, "ichsmb", hz / 3);
        switch (error) {
        case ERESTART:
                if (sc->ich_cmd != -1)
                        goto sleep;
                /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case 0:
                smb_error = sc->smb_error;
        case EWOULDBLOCK:
                smb_error = SMB_ETIMEOUT;
                smb_error = SMB_EABORT;
        return (smb_error);

All I can see for the hang would be the ERESTART happening?
I'm going to put a timeout in there to see what it does
for me, but am otherwise not sure why the behaviour of
SMP versus non SMP would be different for this driver?


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