Handling non-standard directories in tinybsd

Jean Milanez Melo jmelo at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Wed Oct 25 13:03:25 UTC 2006

Jeremie Le Hen wrote: to workdir. Suggestions?
> Well, this is a neat idea.  However I think this is not homogeneous in
> regard to the current behaviour of TinyBSD: while the base system would
> still be included on a per-file basis, library dependencies being
> brought in automatically, using pkg_add(1) for third-party apps would
> lead to include the whole package, including manpages, documentation,
> configuration files along with the binaries.  Moreover, this may not be
> a desirable behaviour for an embedded system.

Yes, but my idea was install it on temporary directory and remove all 
unnecessary files.

> My feeling is that TinyBSD has used the KISS principle so far.  The code
> as well as the configuration is somewhat raw (no offence here), but it is
> thereby easy to use, debug and modify at needs.  I am going to code this
> in my source tree this afternoon and I will be glad to provide you the
> patch.

That's right, make tinybsd simpler is really our idea :)

Send to me your patch and i'll take a look.


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