{pico, tiny, nano}BSD, FreesBIE

Julian Elischer julian at elischer.org
Thu Oct 12 11:00:28 PDT 2006

Matteo Riondato wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 02:07:15PM +0100, Robert Watson wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>> FreeSBIE is another option. it is designed to make not only a
>>> basic image but to include all sorts of packages and possibly
>>> configure them. Targetted at media the size of a CD.
>>> it builds everything from scratch and can this be very tailored.
>>> more flexible than tinyBSD, but more work too.
> As one of the FreeSBIE developers, I would like to say a word:
> I agree with the above description apart from the fact that our target
> is CD/DVD: FreeSBIE can be stripped down to a 64MB or less image and
> put on a flash card or USB pen.
> Another thing I'd like to add: after having release FreeSBIE 2.0
> (around the middle of November), I'd like to add nanoBSD an miniBSD
> features to FreeSBIE and, if possible, import it in the base system
> and make it the "official" tool to build live/small FreeBSD systems.
> Best regards

If we could make one that had the ease of use of the easiest, and the 
flexibility of the most
flexible and the speed of the fastest (etc.) then I doubt anyone would 
complain :-)

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