Embedded FreeBSD Presentation...

marty fouts mf.danger at gmail.com
Mon May 15 21:45:15 UTC 2006

On 5/14/06, Eduardo <nec556 at retena.com> wrote:

> Is this really possible:? Sorry for be a bit unoptimist, but in the
> embeded space the o.s.must follow some rules that freebsd (nor linux,
> *bsd, windows, etc..) can't:

The word "embedded" has come to include a wide range of small devices
that are nearly as powerful as desktop systems were ten years ago.
I've built cell phone operating systems around Linux, and currently
have one of these http://www.embeddedarm.com/epc/ts7200-spec-h.html
running NetBSD.

It would be great to see a FreeBSD embedded system that covered arm devices.

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