No subject

masta masta at
Sat Mar 13 19:16:51 PST 2004


Indeed, wifibsd is a subtractive process of what we might call "sysgen"
scripts, for post buildworld, as I explained to Sean in IRC. I really like
nanobsd because it doesn't waste my time (just like picobsd) building all
the things that I would just filter out with custom lists of files. Warner
said something about a post buildworld system of exclusion for the
installworld target, and I'd really like to see us go this way too. Both
methods in terms of speed to deploy, and flexibility to hack (NO_FOO=YES
vs installworld exclusion lists) would be ideal.

Mainly nanobsd is nice because I get tired of crunching, and crunchgen.
Since it is default to have dynamic bins FreeBSD is already as near
picobsd it can be without crunching. To me this alone makes 5.x more ideal
for embedded projects are things like devfs, default small dynamic world.

I've thought about making a wifibsd version of nanobsd just to see if I
can. From what I read this shouldn't be too difficult to customize (my
list of files to include).

I created wifibsd sysgen scripts in a fit of rage toward using picobsd and
crunching, but nanobsd does what I really always ever wanted.

If anybody is wanting, I'd be willing to help 5.x'ize the picobsd scripts?
I see no reason to have backward compatibility with 4.x, and I have
basicaly everything ready to go directly form my wifibsd scripts. To those
who have contributed to picobsd, please don't take offense, but picobsd
scripts are ugly. and I can help make them not ugly. Nanobsd is a welcome
additon to the embeded community. thanks!

(aka masta)

Bruce R. Montague wrote:
> * Those putting cut-down FreeBSD on CF systems and the like
> might be interested in a brief summary of some available
> scripts/systems put together by Sean Lazar, "FreeBSD on
> Small Board Computers":
> Sean's with a group around here (
> working with 802.11 community wireless on the soekris
> systems.
> They seem to really like wifibsd:
>>From Sean's demo, the wifi script seems to act pretty
> much like the picobsd script, except it ends up building
> a device image that has a normal FreeBSD system, with
> user-selected files removed.  A number of pre-exisitng
> "profiles" exist as starting points for your own CF, live
> CD, or pxeboot system.
> Sean analyzed 5 "sysgen scripts" as to resulting system
> size and functionality and as to what he called "additive"
> (it starts empty, you tell it what files/dirs to add) or
> "subtractive" (you start with everything and tell it what
> to take out).
> * Incidently, a "WifiBSD Status Report" appears in the
> FreeBSD "March-September 2003 Status Report":
> They appear to be targetting the "out-of-box access point",
> but many of the issues are similar to nanobsd and similiar
> systems. Some of their files containing lists of working
> FreeBSD file subsets might be of interest to others...
>   "Contact: Jon Disnard <masta at>
>   WifiBSD is a miniture version of FreeBSD for wireless
>   applications. Originally for the Soekris Net45xx
>   line of main-boards, but is now capable of being
>   targeted to any hardware/architecture FreeBSD itself
>   supports. Although not feature complete, WifiBSD is
>   expected to be ready for 5.2-RELEASE. The design
>   goal is to meet, or exceed, the functionality of
>   commercial/consumer 802.11 wireless gear. Features
>   that need attention (to name just a few) are: http
>   interface, consol menu interface, and installation.
>   Volunters are welcome."
>  - bruce
> _______________________________________________

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unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep

masta at

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