http subversion URLs should be discontinued in favor of https URLs

Yuri yuri at
Wed Dec 6 00:00:14 UTC 2017

On 12/05/17 15:30, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> The CA conglomerate is broken, trojaned and backdoored, and documented
> as such, and therefore HTTPs is a potempkin shell of security.
> Until HTTPS has something more trustworthy than the CA conglomerate
> to distribute keys, it is no safer in any respect than plain HTTP.

You are wrong. https with all its problems is still safer. If I am 
browsing through Tor, any exit node operator can easily perform a MITM 
attack in case of http, which they generally can't do in case of https. 
In case of https he needs to be a state actor privy to the CA compromise.


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