Sergej Schmidt sergej.schmidt at uni-ulm.de
Tue Jul 12 08:17:13 UTC 2016

On 07/11/2016 08:07 PM, Andrei wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 20:09:35 +0300
> Andrey Chernov <ache at freebsd.org> wrote:
>>>> As far as I know, GOST is a standardized crypto algo in .ru, it's
>>>> suggested (required?) by the government in .ru. So, if FreeBSD does
>>>> not want to alienate the .ru userbase, GOST probably should be in
>>>> base.
>>>> I'm not sure how difficult that would be.  
>>> Care about russian terrorists government? About Putin? No, thanks!  
>> Unfortunately, it affects normal people and organizations here,
>> including internet providers f.e. and not affects Putin or government
>> in any way. Documents workflow require digital signatures by GOST.
> From 20 Jule of this year "organizers of information distribution on the Internet"
> in Russia must have ability to decrypt all traffic by "Yarovaya law".
> "There's another important amendment aimed at “organizers of information
> distribution on the Internet”: if an online service—a messenger app, a social
> network, an email client, or even just a website—encrypts its data, its
> owners will be required to help the Federal Security Service decipher any
> message sent by its users. The fine for refusing to cooperate can be as high
> as a million rubles (more than $15,000)."
> https://meduza.io/en/feature/2016/06/24/russia-s-state-duma-just-approved-some-of-the-most-repressive-laws-in-post-soviet-history
> http://www.ibtimes.com/russian-anti-terrorism-law-signed-amid-business-human-rights-outcry-how-big-brother-2389849
> Maybe russian GOST made with options to decrypt.. Nice backdoor from FSB? ;)
Many of constrains in that text excerpt apply also not only to Russia
but US, the country I live in and many other European countries too. If
you only look for stuff you want to find you wont see the rest. You
maybe should look up which cooperation your country's
citizens/businesses have to do when forced by law enforcement.
Btw, I am at least roughly aware of Russia's advances in law enforcement.
>> Wtf is this? This is an international community and this list is read
>> across the world. There's no place for your political beliefs.
>> Especially when expressed in such manner. Please keep it to yourself.
> I will write what I want. I'm live in democratic country, not in Russia.
This is not about freedom of speech in a democracy. Screaming your weird
opinion in an insulting way is not a unique characteristic to a
democracy, it's one for a Trump rally. This is simply the wrong place
for it, especially considering the tone. It's the
"Freebsd-Security"-list. That was my whole point. However I am happy to
see I am the only one taking this serious and others having a productive
conversation. I see you are a person not to reason with so I will do
others here a favor and stop discussing this.

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