Requesting clarification for FreeBSD-SA-15:04.igmp

Shawn Hoffman godisgovernment at
Fri Feb 27 23:32:48 UTC 2015


I would like more clarification to be provided about who/what is
affected by this patch.

As we can see, amd64 is not affected:
( 9.3-RELEASE, md5 c4605d83b454c7633149a4eb3baa8b83 )
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AA6   mov     r14, [rbp+var_88]
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AAD   add     cs:igmpstat_0.igps_rcv_v3_queries, 1
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AB5   movzx   ecx, word ptr [r14+0Ah]
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04ABA   rol     cx, 8
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04ABE   movzx   ebx, cx
; rbx = ((u64)(u16)ntohs(igmp_numsrc)) << 2
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AC1   shl     rbx, 2
; rdi = (u16)(((u64)(u16)ntohs(igmp_numsrc)) << 2)
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AC5   movzx   edi, bx
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04AC8   mov     ecx, ebx
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04ACA   cmp     rbx, rdi
; u64 compare
.text:FFFFFFFF80A04ACD   ja      fail_igps_rcv_tooshort

This is because the result type of ntohs is the same as uint16_t, and the result
of sizeof() is size_t. Because of this, 32bit x86 should not be
vulnerable either.

I can only assume platforms where the int type is <= 16bits may
actually be vulnerable.
I have no idea if freebsd actually uses such configurations.

I think this information should be clarified in the security
advisories (which in
this case, only give explicit details on how to patch "a RELEASE version of
FreeBSD on the i386 or amd64 platforms" - which are not affected afaict).


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