sendmail server sending milter data after latest FreeBSD upgrade

Robert Sargent robtsgt at
Thu Aug 27 18:01:44 UTC 2015


After rebuilding my systems after the latest openssl/iret handler I noticed some incoming email sessions were failing.  The failures were primarily from,, and  The SMTP server [sendmail v 8.15.2] logs contained lines like this:

Aug 27 14:41:22 tusk sm-mta[18366]: t7REfKQd018366: [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to IPv4

I captured some packets with tcpdump and read them with wireshark.  The failed session packets' contents indicated after the SYN, SYN, ACK  3-way handshake I would send out 

Response: milter_negotiate(milter-regex): send: version 6, fflags 0x1ff, pflags 0x1fffff\n

I then rec'd an ACK from the client and then I would send out more milter data like:

Response: milter_negotiate(milter-regex): received: version 6, fflags 0x20, pflags 0x300\n
Response: milter_negotiate(opendkim): send: version 6, fflags 0x1ff, pflags 0x1fffff\n
Response: milter_negotiate(opendkim): received: version 6, fflags 0x111, pflags 0x100702\n
Response: milter_negotiate(smf-spf): send: version 6, fflags 0x1ff, pflags 0x1fffff\n
Response: milter_negotiate(smf-spf): received: version 6, fflags 0x1d, pflags 0x350\n
Response: milter_negotiate(greylist): send: version 6, fflags 0x1ff, pflags 0x1fffff\n
Response: milter_negotiate(greylist): received: version 6, fflags 0x13, pflags 0x100\n
Response: milter_negotiate(clmilter): send: version 6, fflags 0x1ff, pflags 0x1fffff\n
Response: milter_negotiate(clmilter): received: version 6, fflags 0x31, pflags 0x342\n

The client would then ACK and I would send out my normal SMTP greeting:

Response: 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.15.2/8.14.9; Thu, 27 Aug 2015 12:24:38 GMT\r\n

Then the client would send a FIN


Needless to say I was concerned and tried restarting sendmail and associated milters, no change, I kept sending out milter data to the client.

I tried reinstalling sendmail from both pkgs and ports, no change.

I finally rebooted the system and the problem "went away".

There was no problem with incoming hotmail, google, apple emails prior to this latest OS upgrade.

uname -a:  FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p24 FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p24 #10 r287147: Tue Aug 25 23:19:33 UTC 2015     root at  amd64

Is this a known problem? Any ideas WTF is [was] going on?  Any suggestions on what to do next time it happens [short of rebooting]?

Please do not publicly release any of my site/domain specific data.

tcpdumpfile attached.


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