Speed and security of /dev/urandom

Paul Hoffman paul.hoffman at vpnc.org
Fri Jul 18 14:26:06 UTC 2014

On Jul 17, 2014, at 4:41 PM, Steven Chamberlain <steven at pyro.eu.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> FreeBSD is as far as I know, quite unique in using Yarrow to provide a
> nice, fast CSPRNG for /dev/urandom
> But OpenSSL, LibreSSL, OpenSSH, and various reimplementations of
> arc4random(), don't directly use it.  They typically take only ~128 bits
> from /dev/urandom or through other means, to seed a stream cipher, then
> return the output of that.  I understand why Linux, even OpenBSD must do
> that.  Good-quality random bits from the kernel are scarce, so they
> *must* be stretched somehow.
> But isn't that essentially what Yarrow does already in FreeBSD?

Yes, for many values of "essentially". This is a discussion that always ends in a rathole.

> Is there a good reason arc4random_buf() can't take bytes directly from
> /dev/urandom or sysctl KERN_ARND?  Therefore no longer needing to seed
> first, periodically reseed, or use any stream cipher?

The "good reason" is the same as above: doing so would cause so much discussion and animosity that it is not worth doing.

> There are a few reasons I mention it now:
> * arc4random relies on the stream cipher being cryptographically strong
> between reseeds, or else you could guess previous/later output.  FreeBSD
> still uses RC4 for arc4random, and that seems increasingly risky;
> OpenBSD moved recently to ChaCha-20, but who knows if even that will
> prove to be safe in the longer term?
> * after seeding, some arc4random implementations completely forget to
> reseed after the process forks - the same 'random' stream of bytes could
> occur twice, with security implications
> * LibreSSL tried to detect forking, and to reseed automatically, but
> Andrew Ayer showed a corner-case where that still didn't work as
> expected (CVE-2014-2970)
> * some arc4random implementations might not be thread-safe
> * (re)seeding can fail sometimes (fd's exhausted reading /dev/urandom,
> or that is missing in a chroot;  even a sysctl might return an error
> code);  OpenSSL and LibreSSL each have 'scary' ways to try to gather
> entropy in userland as a fallback, especially for Linux;  FreeBSD and
> OpenBSD may have better expectations that the sysctl will work, and
> maybe raise SIGKILL otherwise
> So I wonder, could a simplified arc4random for FreeBSD use Yarrow
> directly, to avoid making any of these sorts of mistakes we've seen?

Yes, it "could". Whether it "should" is another question on a different layer.

> (There's also the benefit that having many readers from a single
> pseudorandom stream, adds an additional kind of randomness to its output).

How does having an additional *reader* add additional bits?

> This is obviously a complex issue, and some of it will be subjective.
> But I welcome your comments.  Thanks!

Subjective wins.

--Paul Hoffman

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