ports/126853: ports-mgmt/portaudit: speed up audit of installed packages

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at codelabs.ru
Sat Oct 24 18:28:49 UTC 2009

Fri, May 01, 2009 at 10:42:21PM +0400, Eygene Ryabinkin wrote:
> Gentlemen, good day.
> Just a reminder about this PR -- it is already a bit old.  But it is
> still viable and kicking on many machines of mine.  I am seeing speedups
> from 10x to 26x comparing to the plain portaudit.  Since VuXML database
> will only grow, this will be good to consider these patches and (likely)
> integrate them into main trees.
> Could someone, please, look at the patches?  I had uploaded slightly
> modified patches to the old locations.  Most of changes were cosmetic:
> whitespace and so on.  No real code was changed.

Hmm, I am going to be a bit nasty this time -- the PR lies for 1.5 years
and no one really looked at it.  Though, Simon and Martin promised to
do so.  If you really don't want this patch to go in -- just say, I'll
try to rework it to suit the project's needs.  But for me it is rediculous
that no one is really interested in speeding up the stuff: number of
installed ports and number of VuXML entries will only grow and the patch
provides great opportunity to keep things very fast for the vast amount
of time.

Sorry for a slightly harsh tone, but I am really disappointed with
the handling of this PR.
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