ports / www/linux-seamonkey / flashplugin vulnerability

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Wed Sep 13 14:14:34 PDT 2006

On 2006.09.13 02:54:47 -0700, R. B. Riddick wrote:
> Hi!
> Since linux-flashplugin7 r63 is vulnerable according to
>   http://vuxml.FreeBSD.org/7c75d48c-429b-11db-afae-000c6ec775d9.html
> isn't www/linux-seamonkey vulerable, too (it seems to include 7 r25)?

I just had a look at it, and I can't see flash in it anywhere?  I
checked the pkg-plist and "about:plugins" when installed.

Where do you see that it's included?

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Security Team

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