[fbsd] Re: Integrating ProPolice/SSP into FreeBSD

Pascal Hofstee caelian at gmail.com
Sun May 28 07:01:20 PDT 2006

On Sat, 2006-05-27 at 19:31 -0700, Josh Carroll wrote:
> I agree that having the necessary hooks to enable/disable SSP would be
> nice. It would also be nice if this can be done for ports in addition
> to base.

Being one of the people that extensively helped build/run-testing
Jeremie's patchsets i can safely say that we went through a lot of
iterations before we ended with the following functionality (which
should be present in the current patchset):

on CURRENT /usr/src builds use /etc/src.conf to provide make variables
identical to /etc/make.conf on non-CURRENT. This way setting
WITH_SSP=yes in /etc/src.conf will enable the SSP-bits for world

Jeremie and i wanted to explicitely make enabling SSP for ports build as
well as easy and straight forward as possible. To that end we made some
minor changes to some of the bsd.*.mk files so that simply specifying
the same WITH_SSP=yes in your /make.conf is enough for the entire ports
tree to pick up the SSP settings and use them.

So in short this patchset enables the following on CURRENT:

/etc/src.conf    WITH_SSP=yes   enable SSP for buildworld
/etc/make.conf   WITH_SSP=yes   enable SSP for port builds

(not 100% sure if /etc/make.conf is processed along with /etc/src.conf

on non-CURRENT:

/etc/make.conf   WITH_SSP=yes   enable SSP for both buildworld and ports

It couldn't get any easier than this ... i think :)

  Pascal Hofstee

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