On what versions of FreeBSD can we unreserve ports?

Ian G iang at iang.org
Sat May 27 06:55:03 PDT 2006

On which versions of FreeBSD is it now possible to
un-reserve ports?

( I've been waiting for this since forever ... have
spent countless days - $$$ - trying to install
workarounds, only to junk them later.  I've even
been paid a consulting gig to develop this, and
declined to deploy it on my own servers :-/ )



Friday, May 26, 2006
FreeBSD 6.1: Disabling Reserverd Ports

A common misfeature found on UN*X operating systems is the
restriction that only root can bind to ports < 1024. Many a
dollar has been wasted on workarounds and -often- the
resulting security holes.

Fortunately on FreeBSD 6.1 (and probably older versions as
well) you can disable this remnant of trust-by-convention.

host$ sysctl net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh=0

That simple. Add it to your /etc/sysctl.conf today!

posted by Slim @ 4:18 PM

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