Repeated attacks via SSH

freebsd-security at freebsd-security at
Wed Oct 5 16:55:48 PDT 2005

> system (e.g. S/Key). (Which reminds me: Anyone have a good S/Key
> implementation for the Palm Pilot?)

Brett, on this note another tack you could take is to symmetrically encrypt
your list with GPG/PGP, being wary of where you choose to decrypt it. This
kind of thing, using gpg (where the path could be a removable device or

opiekey -n 5 0499 xx9909 | sort -rn | ( sleep 10 ; gpg -ca -o /trusted/path )

... adding your preferred  --cipher-algo option as required, then as needed run:

gpg -o - /trusted/path | grep #seq_no

-- Joel Hatton --
Security Analyst                    | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417
AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax:     +61 7 3365 7031
The University of Queensland        | WWW:
Qld 4072 Australia                  | Email:   auscert at

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