update for 4.11 Security Officer-supported branches

Christopher McCrory chrismcc at pricegrabber.com
Sun Jan 9 16:39:41 PST 2005


	In regards to http://www.freebsd.org/security/ , from what I understand
the FreeBSD 4.x branch is generally winding down in favor of the 5.x/6.x
branches.  It would be nice to know ahead of time if 4.11 will also be
an extended release, or if that would fall to 4.12.  For those of
running 4.8 (expiring about the same time as 4.11 is released) we would
be in a better position to know where to upgrade; 4.10 or 4.11.

Christopher McCrory
 "The guy that keeps the servers running"

chrismcc at pricegrabber.com

Let's face it, there's no Hollow Earth, no robots, and
no 'mute rays.' And even if there were, waxed paper is
no defense.  I tried it.  Only tinfoil works.

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