Other possible protection against RST/SYN attacks (was Re: TCP RST attack

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net
Wed Apr 21 13:12:55 PDT 2004

At 04:05 PM 21/04/2004, Borja Marcos wrote:
>>Are there any "bad things" that can happen by doing this ?
>         Well, not every BGP sessions are established between directly 
> connected interfaces. This would not work with "multi-hop BGP" sessions :-)

Thanks, I realize that, especially with iBGP. However for directly 
connected eBGP peers, the question still stands.

What side effects if any are there?  Why is the default 64 and not 
some  other number like 255... I am sure the answer is out there, I just 
need to find the question so I can cram it into google ;-)

Perhaps this is a better topic for freebsd-net ?


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