Advisory: security/freebsd-update port

Colin Percival colin.percival at
Sat May 31 02:40:59 PDT 2003

Topic:		Potential failure to update vulnerable files

Synopsis:	FreeBSD Update is a system for tracking FreeBSD
		release (aka security) branches via signed
		binary updates.  At present, updates are being
		built for FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE and 4.8-RELEASE.
		As a result of differences between the ISO image
		and FTP distributions of 4.7-RELEASE, FreeBSD
		Update may have failed to recognize certain
		files as needing replacement.  Based on server
		logs, I believe up to 20 people may have been
		affected by this.

Impact:	Some security patches might have not been
		applied, potentially leaving a system open to

Fix:		Run FreeBSD Update again; it will fetch the
		latest update index, which corrects this issue.

Colin Percival

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