multihost master.passwd sync

Eric Anderson anderson at
Tue May 27 12:21:37 PDT 2003

Andy Harrison wrote:
>>Why not just preconfigure SSH keys between the boxes and scp the file across?
>>Seems like a lot of extra work to bring PGP into the mix.
> Because we don't allow root login remotely, mandated from above.

so you scp the file to a directory owned by a user designated to only do 
this function.. then have a cron job that fires up every so often that 
snags that file and updates the running master.passwd file..

>>Personally, I'm real curious about utilizing an LDAP backend to replace NIS. 
>>Read a bit about it, but haven't had a chance to play with it just yet.  It 
>>sounds like a far more elegant solution for what you're looking to do as 
>>well.  Assuming it all works as advertised that is.
> The problem is that while it allows authentication, it doesn't integrate
> seamlessly allowing you to own files as a user that only exists in the ldap.

Huh?  Explain more please..


Eric Anderson	   Systems Administrator      Centaur Technology
Attitudes are contagious, is yours worth catching?

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