Configuring JAIL to bind on lo0 interface

Lawrence Sica lomion at
Fri Dec 19 09:21:11 PST 2003

On Dec 19, 2003, at 12:13 PM, Ilya Kiselyov wrote:

> Hello!
>>>> Can anybody help me with that problem. For now i set it up on 
>>>> external IP
>>>> and everythig is okej. But i want to have this jail on diffrent 
>>>> iface that
>>>> is not an external iface and is set for example on
>>> You should probably use a real ip for jail, not from
>> So there is no chance to set it up on and have access to
>> internet ? I wanted to have some daemons listenig on aliased IP on lo0
>> iface. And then set up few rules on firewall to forward traffic from 
>> external
>> IP to those ip on lo0 interface.
> In case you just want it to be on lo0, you can set up a real ip alias 
> on lo0. If you need both lo0 AND Well, do you _really_ 
> need such a configuration?

Changing the ip on lo0 can be break things or expose you, a lot of 
sensitive stuff goes over localhost, so be very very carfeul mucking 
with the ip on lo0.


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