LKM support (Was: Re: possible compromise or just misreading logs)

Damian Gerow damian at
Mon Dec 8 09:37:39 PST 2003

Thus spake Steve Francis (steve at [08/12/03 12:30]:
> And just adding my voice to the "tripwire is good to run, but not a 
> panacea" argument - if a machine gets a KLM loaded in a compromise, 
> there is no way tripwire can be assured it is verifying the binary it 
> asks the kernel for information about. Nothing to stop the compromised 
> kernel returning the original binary for all requests, except for those 
> needed to do Evil.  If you get a root compromise so that a KLM can be 
> loaded, all bets are off. Short of that, I think tripwire makes it very 
> very hard to change files on a system w/o being detected. As long as 
> that is all the faith you put in tripwire, and use to verify just that 
> purpose and no more, its great, and it (or something like it, like AIDE) 
> is essential.

On that note, is there any way to disable LKM support in FreeBSD?  Or is
that what NO_MODULES does?

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