FreeBSD Redmine 4.x port

Phil Vuchetich phil at
Mon Jul 29 00:22:44 UTC 2019

Dear www/redmine port maintainer,

I am interested in installing Redmine, and wanted to use the 4.x branch.
It looks like the 3.x branch is well maintained and up to date, but it
appears that the 4.x branch is not being worked on according to the Wiki:

If no one is working on it, would it be reasonable for me to give it a try?
I have not made a port before, but I would think I could start with the
www/redmine 3.x version port, and figure out what needs to be changed.

I would probably name it www/redmine4 so that it would not conflict with
3.x, unless there is an intention to just update the www/redmine with the
new version.

-Phil Vuchetich

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