[Gitlab] Call for help / ideas

Michael Moll mmoll at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jul 12 20:35:37 UTC 2015


On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 07:37:44PM +0200, Torsten Zühlsdorff wrote:
> Second: gitlab is based at Rails 4.1.11, while we provide 4.2 in the 
> ports-tree. When using 4.1.x the installation went fine. The behavior of 
> activerecord changed between 4.1 and 4.2.

I'd ask the GitLab people if they're switching to rails 4.2 soon and
hope for a "yes". While creating rails41 ports is not completely
impossible, it would be quite a burden and GitLab will need to switch
to a newer rails in some time anyway.

As a bit of a background, rails 4.2 is needed for redmine 3.0 and once
we're having a working redmine3 port and migration from older redmine
port installations work we can think about removing rails3.

Michael Moll
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