[PATCH] www/rubygem-unicorn: add rc script

Geoffroy Desvernay dgeo at centrale-marseille.fr
Wed Oct 15 21:30:49 UTC 2014

>Submitter-Id:	current-users
>Originator:	Geoffroy Desvernay
>Organization:	Ecole Centrale de Marseille
>Confidential:	no
>Synopsis:	[PATCH] www/rubygem-unicorn: add rc script
>Severity:	non-critical
>Priority:	low
>Category:	ports
>Class:		change-request
>Release:	FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p9 amd64
System: FreeBSD dgeo.sysadm.ec-m.fr 10.0-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE-p9 #0: Mon Sep 15 14:35:52 UTC 2014
add rc script from https://github.com/caleb/freebsd-unicorn

It can handle one/many capistrano/rack/rails apps nicely

2nd try:
It was already submitted in (now closed) #184592 but with errors I didn't managed to catch (uuencoded patch, multiple set_rcvar, …). 
All of these should be corrected now (upstream too).

Port maintainer (ruby at FreeBSD.org) is cc'd, as well as original author (thanks to him !).

Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 1.02 (mode: change, diff: SVN)

--- rubygem-unicorn-4.6.3.patch begins here ---
Index: Makefile
--- Makefile	(revision 370949)
+++ Makefile	(working copy)
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
+USE_RC_SUBR=	unicorn
 PLIST_FILES=	bin/unicorn bin/unicorn_rails
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
Index: files/unicorn.in
--- files/unicorn.in	(revision 0)
+++ files/unicorn.in	(working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+# PROVIDE: unicorn
+# REQUIRE: LOGIN mysql postgresql
+# KEYWORD: shutdown
+. /etc/rc.subr
+extra_commands="upgrade show reopenlogs"
+load_rc_config "${name}"
+: ${unicorn_enable:="NO"}
+: ${unicorn_flags:="-D"}
+: ${unicorn_env:="production"}
+: ${unicorn_init_config:=""}
+: ${unicorn_bundle_gemfile:=""}
+: ${unicorn_profiles:=""}
+: ${unicorn_upgrade_timeout:="60"}
+: ${unicorn_rc_script:="%%PREFIX%%/etc/rc.d/unicorn"}
+# Convenience function to read a profile's environment variable, or fall back to a default
+# e.x. _read_profile_var my_app pidfile '/u/my_app/shard/pids/unicorn.pid'
+  profile=$1
+  var=$2
+  default=$3
+  default2=$4
+  eval value="\${unicorn_${profile}_${var}:-${default}}"
+  eval value="\${value:-${default2}}"
+  echo "${value}"
+# Takes a directory and sets up some default environement variables based on a capistrano layout
+  local directory
+  directory=$1
+  directory_command="${directory}/current/bin/unicorn"
+  directory_pidfile="${directory}/shared/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid"
+  directory_old_pidfile="${directory_pidfile}.oldbin"
+  directory_config="${directory}/current/config/unicorn.rb"
+  directory_rackup="${directory}/current/config.ru"
+  directory_init_config="${directory}/current/.env"
+  directory_bundle_gemfile="${directory}/current/Gemfile"
+  directory_chdir="${directory}/current"
+  # only use the directory_init_config if it exists
+  if [ ! -f "${directory_init_config}" ]; then
+    unset directory_init_config
+  fi
+  # only use the bundle_gemfile if it exists
+  if [ ! -f "${directory_bundle_gemfile}" ]; then
+    unset directory_bundle_gemfile
+  fi
+  if [ -f "${directory_config}" ]; then
+    directory_user=`stat -f "%Su" "${directory_config}"` # default to the owner of the config file
+  fi
+# If we have a profile, set up the environment for that profile
+if [ -n "$2" ]; then
+  profile="$2"
+  # set the rcvar for this specific profile
+  rcvar="${name}_${profile}_enable"
+  # if the user provides a directory, we can infer some default configuration
+  directory=`_read_profile_var "${profile}" "directory"`
+  if [ -n "${directory}" ]; then
+    _setup_directory "${directory}"
+  fi
+  unicorn_rackup=`        _read_profile_var "${profile}" "rackup"         "${directory_rackup}"`
+  unicorn_old_pidfile=`   _read_profile_var "${profile}" "old_pidfile"    "${directory_old_pidfile}"`
+  unicorn_config=`        _read_profile_var "${profile}" "config"         "${directory_config}"`
+  unicorn_init_config=`   _read_profile_var "${profile}" "init_config"    "${directory_init_config}"`
+  unicorn_bundle_gemfile=`_read_profile_var "${profile}" "bundle_gemfile" "${directory_bundle_gemfile}"`
+  unicorn_chdir=`         _read_profile_var "${profile}" "chdir"          "${directory_chdir}"`
+  unicorn_listen=`        _read_profile_var "${profile}" "listen"         "${unicorn_listen}"`
+  unicorn_user=`          _read_profile_var "${profile}" "user"           "${unicorn_user}"           "${directory_user}"`
+  unicorn_nice=`          _read_profile_var "${profile}" "nice"           "${unicorn_nice}"`
+  unicorn_env=`           _read_profile_var "${profile}" "env"            "${unicorn_env}"`
+  unicorn_flags=`         _read_profile_var "${profile}" "flags"          "${unicorn_flags}"`
+  command=`_read_profile_var "${profile}"      "command"      "${unicorn_command}"      "${directory_command}"`
+  command_args=`_read_profile_var "${profile}" "command_args" "${unicorn_command_args}" "${directory_command_args}"`
+  pidfile=`_read_profile_var "${profile}"      "pidfile"      "${directory_pidfile}"`
+  if [ "x${unicorn_profiles}" != "x" -a "x$1" != "x" ]; then
+    # If we weren't started with a profile, run the command on all available profiles
+    for profile in ${unicorn_profiles}; do
+      # By default set the profile rcvar to no to suppress warnings by checkyesno
+      profile_rcvar="${name}_${profile}_enable"
+      eval "${profile_rcvar}=\${${profile_rcvar}:-'NO'}"
+      if checkyesno ${profile_rcvar}; then
+        echo "Running ${1} on ${profile}"
+        ${unicorn_rc_script} $1 $profile
+      else
+        echo "Skipping ${profile}"
+        # Unset the variable and then checkyesno again to print the warning
+        eval "unset ${profile_rcvar}"
+        checkyesno ${profile_rcvar}
+      fi
+      echo
+    done
+    exit 0
+  else
+    # look for a profile-less configuration
+    # if the user provides a directory, we can infer some default configuration
+    directory=${unicorn_directory:-}
+    if [ -n "${directory}" ]; then
+      _setup_directory "${directory}"
+    fi
+    unicorn_rackup=${unicorn_rackup:-$directory_rackup}
+    unicorn_old_pidfile=${unicorn_old_pidfile:-$directory_old_pidfile}
+    unicorn_chdir=${unicorn_chdir:-$directory_chdir}
+    unicorn_rackup=${unicorn_rackup:-$directory_rackup}
+    unicorn_user=${unicorn_user:-$directory_user}
+    unicorn_config=${unicorn_config:-$directory_config}
+    unicorn_init_config=${unicorn_init_config:-$directory_init_config}
+    unicorn_bundle_gemfile=${unicorn_bundle_gemfile:-$directory_bundle_gemfile}
+    command=${unicorn_command:-$directory_command}
+    command_args=${unicorn_command_args:-$directory_command_args}
+    pidfile=${unicorn_pidfile:-$directory_pidfile}
+  fi
+# add the directory as a required directory, if it's specified
+# if we have a config file or rackup file specified, make sure it exists
+required_files="${unicorn_config:-} ${unicorn_rackup:-}"
+# Build up the flags based on the environment variables
+[ -n "${unicorn_listen}" ] && unicorn_flags="-l ${unicorn_listen} ${unicorn_flags}"
+[ -n "${unicorn_config}" ] && unicorn_flags="-c ${unicorn_config} ${unicorn_flags}"
+[ -n "${unicorn_env}" ] && unicorn_flags="-E ${unicorn_env} ${unicorn_flags}"
+# Add our rackup file to the unicorn command_args
+[ -n "${unicorn_rackup:-}" ] && command_args="${unicorn_rackup:-} ${command_args:-}"
+# This function builds the command to start unicorn. This is split out so we can
+# print it from the "show" command
+  local shell_command
+  shell_command="${unicorn_bundle_gemfile:+export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$unicorn_bundle_gemfile && }"\
+"${unicorn_init_config:+. $unicorn_init_config && }"\
+"${unicorn_chdir:+cd $unicorn_chdir && }"\
+"${unicorn_nice:+nice -n $unicorn_nice }"\
+"${command} ${rc_flags} ${command_args}"
+  if [ -n "${unicorn_user}" ]; then
+    echo "su -l ${unicorn_user} -c \"${shell_command}\""
+  else
+    echo "sh -c \"${shell_command}\""
+  fi
+# The start command
+  # ensure unicorn isn't already running
+  if [ -z "$rc_fast" -a -n "$rc_pid" ]; then
+    echo 1>&2 "${name} already running? (pid=$rc_pid)."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # ensure that the command exists and is executable
+  if [ ! -x "${_chroot}${_chroot:+/}${command}" ]; then
+    warn "run_rc_command: cannot run ${name}_command \"$command\""
+    return 1
+  fi
+  check_startmsgs && echo "Starting ${name}: ${profile}."
+  eval "$(_unicorn_start_command)"
+  _return=$?
+  if [ $_return -ne 0 ] && [ -z "${rc_force}" ]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+  if [ -n "${rc_pid}" ]; then
+    # Tell the master to spawn a new version of itself
+    if kill -USR2 "${rc_pid}"; then
+      n=$unicorn_upgrade_timeout
+      # Wait until the unicorn_old_pidfile and pidfile both exist and are non-empty
+      echo -n >&2 "Waiting for the new master to spawn"
+      while [ \( ! -s "${unicorn_old_pidfile}" -o ! -s "${pidfile}" \) -a $n -ge 0 ]; do
+        printf >&2 '.' && sleep 1 && n=$(( $n-1 ))
+      done
+      echo
+      # if the pidfile or unicorn_old_pidfile still don't exist, quit
+      if [ ! -s "${pidfile}" -o ! -s "${unicorn_old_pidfile}" ]; then
+        [ ! -s "${pidfile}" ]              && echo >&2 "${pidfile} doesn't exist after ${unicorn_upgrade_timeout} seconds"
+        [ ! -s "${punicorn_old_pidfile}" ] && echo >&2 "${unicorn_old_pidfile} doesn't exist after ${unicorn_upgrade_timeout} seconds"
+        return 1
+      fi
+      # make sure the new master can receive signals, and then QUIT the old one
+      echo >&2 "Killing the old master"
+      kill -0 `check_pidfile "${pidfile}" "${procname}"` && kill -QUIT `check_pidfile "${unicorn_old_pidfile}" "${procname}"`
+      # Wait for the old master to die
+      echo -n >&2 "Waiting for the old master to cleanup"
+      while [ -s "${unicorn_old_pidfile}" -a $n -ge 0 ]; do
+        printf >&2 '.' && sleep 1 && n=$(( $n-1 ))
+      done
+      echo
+      # If the old master is still around, print that fact and exit with an error
+      if [ -s "${unicorn_old_pidfile}" -a $n -lt 0 ]; then
+        echo >&2 "${unicorn_old_pidfile} still exists after ${unicorn_upgrade_timeout} seconds"
+        return 1
+      fi
+      # everything worked, return success
+      return 0
+    fi
+    # If there isn't a pid in rc_pid, just run the start command
+    echo >&2 "Couldn't upgrade, running `start` instead"
+    $0 start "${2}"
+  fi
+# Prints the configuration for the given profile
+  if [ -n "${profile}" ]; then
+    banner="Unicorn Configuration for ${profile}"
+  else
+    banner="Unicorn Configuration"
+  fi
+  echo "
+# ${banner}
+command:        ${command}
+command_args:   ${command_args}
+rackup:         ${unicorn_rackup}
+pidfile:        ${pidfile}
+old_pidfile:    ${unicorn_old_pidfile}
+listen:         ${unicorn_listen}
+config:         ${unicorn_config}
+init_config:    ${unicorn_init_config}
+bundle_gemfile: ${unicorn_bundle_gemfile}
+chdir:          ${unicorn_chdir}
+user:           ${unicorn_user}
+nice:           ${unicorn_nice}
+env:            ${unicorn_env}
+flags:          ${unicorn_flags}
+  [ -n "${rc_pid}" ] && kill -USR1 $rc_pid
+run_rc_command "${1}"

Property changes on: files/unicorn.in
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
--- rubygem-unicorn-4.6.3.patch ends here ---

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