Just confirm how to install ruby

Ben Tung benpptung at tacol.biz
Mon Jan 6 14:26:28 UTC 2014

Dear sir,

I don't know much ruby, but I need ruby to run rmate.
I've installed the /usr/ports/lang/ruby20 , and I got

I don't why not /usr/local/bin/ruby, and it causes rmate doesn't work till
# ln -s /usr/local/bin/ruby20 /usr/local/bin/ruby

It works!

Just as I said I don't know ruby, and I just need to a ruby interpreter to
run rmate ( don't need ruby on rail or rvm )
so I am wondering if it is correct to put a link to /usr/local/bin/ruby20
Or, is there any correct way to set /usr/local/bin/ruby to

Thank you for your attention,

Best Regards,


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