Annoying ERROR: 'wlan0' is not a DHCP-enabled interface

Eygene Ryabinkin rea at
Fri Dec 23 14:42:21 UTC 2011

Resurrecting this old thread I abandoned due to the ENOTIME and adding
to CC all people who were expressed interest in fixing the annoyances
from the devd caused by r226879.

Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 12:41:22PM +0300, Mike Telahun Makonnen wrote:
> > I would say that my (ab)use of it in the patch perfectly fits the
> > cited usage.  That's not an excuse if the semantics of rc_quiet will
> > be different from its current usage, but since we have no
> > well-documented semantics apart from "Don't output some diagnostics"
> > inside /etc/rc.subr, may be we can just extend this explanation based
> > on the current usage and the common sense, add that to the manual page
> > of rc.subr and go on?
> >
> > Any thoughts on this?
> The rc_quiet knob was introduced to prevent devd spamming the console
> when starting services that weren't enabled in rc.conf.  It was also
> overloaded to prevent unnecessary boot time clutter on the console.
> The rationale was that if you set a service to start during boot you
> don't want a gazillion "bar started" messages to cause the one "Error:
> foo not started" message that you would really be interested in seeing
> to scroll out of the screen buffer.  It was used for this purpose in
> several scripts in rc.d, but it caused quite a ruckus at the time (and
> I was too distracted by other work to continue working on it) so its
> use was mostly removed from the scripts under /etc/rc.d.

OK, what about the following patch that documents the current usage of
the "quiet" prefix and enables dhclient to recognize this modifier?
Diff is available from

Since the current rc.subr script has the following snippet,
                if [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" != "rcvar" -a "$rc_arg" != "stop" ] ||
                    [ -n "${rcvar}" -a "$rc_arg" = "stop" -a -z "${rc_pid}" ]; then
                        if ! checkyesno ${rcvar}; then
                                if [ -n "${rc_quiet}" ]; then
                                        return 0
                                echo -n "Cannot '${rc_arg}' $name. Set ${rcvar} to "
                                echo -n "YES in /etc/rc.conf or use 'one${rc_arg}' "
                                echo "instead of '${rc_arg}'."
                                return 0
I think that error message about non-DHCP-enabled interface falls into the
same category -- we have no "dhcp" modifier inside rc.conf, so we will fail
loudly, unless we were asked to be quiet, just as in the above code.

> It was not intended to mask "error" or "debug" messages.

It is not my intention as well: I care about masking only certain classes
of error and informational messages with rc_quiet; my patch to rc.subr.8
documents all current cases where it is appropriate.

> As far as I can tell this discussion affects two groups of people:
> 1. You didn't configure dhcp on an interface
> 2. You *thought* you configured an interface for dhcp but it's not
> getting an address and there is no feedback
> if you're in group 1 you *don't* want to see a message that says the
> interface is not configured for dhcp.
> If you're in group 2 you *do" want to know.
> So, is it more annoying for those in group 1 to get a message about
> dhcp not being set every time an interface is started or for those in
> group 2 to try to start an interface and not get any feedback when
> dhcp is not enabled?

The problem with the first group of people is a bit different, because
people who didn't configured DHCP are getting notifications only from
devd, because it reacts on every "interface up" event by invoking dhclient
rc.d script on the interface.  But here we have the "quiet" prefix handy.

The second group's problem is the one you pronounced.  And I think that
people should have diagnostics in this case no matter what.  It is the
internal problem of the devd that spams the first group of people, but
it shouldn't be fixed by not letting the second group of people to see
the real error message and scratching their heads.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
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