General note on rc scripts and daemonizing

Greg Larkin glarkin at
Tue Jul 20 23:16:10 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

Doug Barton wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Greg Larkin wrote:
>> Anyway, here are some examples for daemonizing processes that don't
>> already have support for doing it themselves:
>> Daemonizing an executable without internal daemon support:
>> Daemonizing a Python script:
>> I would love to see direct support for these use cases in /etc/rc.subr,
>> and am interested in working with someone to add it.
> Your first example looks right, I don't know enough about python to
> comment on the second. There is also
> which has some
> insight into this. I previously closed that PR, but now it may be time
> to revisit this problem.
> I heartily encourage you to go forward if you're interested in patching
> rc.subr to take care of this. However, there will have to be a ramp-up
> period since even if you fix it today, you have about 3 years before you
> can guarantee that users on all supported versions of FreeBSD have the
> code in rc.subr (which is one of the unstated reasons that I closed the
> PR mentioned above).
> Here is my perspective on the project:
> 1. Document the issue in
> and give examples of how to do it properly.
> 2. Contact authors of existing ports that have this issue, and point
> them to the documentation. Offer help to fix it.
> 3. Take a page from pgolluci's book and file PRs with fixes for those
> who don't respond in a timely manner, then use the "maintainer timeout"
> facility to finish the fixes.
> 4. After 1., but perhaps in parallel with 2. and 3.; develop a patch for
> rc.subr to handle this, perhaps starting with the simple cases. The
> patch should include a signaling mechanism so that a port rc.d script
> can do something equivalent to:
> if [ $rc_subr_with_daemon_fix ]; then
>     do it the easy way
> else
>     do it the hard way
> fi
> 5. Once there is a new mechanism, repeat the steps in 1-3. :)
> 6. In 3-4 years, remove the crutches and mandate use of the new mechanism.
> One could also argue that documentation and education are the right
> answers, and that patching rc.subr is not necessary. Personally I'm
> sympathetic to that line of reasoning, but I'd never want to discourage
> someone from improving rc.subr.
> If you, or anyone are interested in pursuing any part of this then I'm
> happy to help review patches, make suggestions, etc. but I am not going
> to be able to own the project, I don't have the time. I would suggest
> that starting a new thread on -rc would be the right way to move forward.
> hth,
> Doug

Hi Doug,

Thank you for the useful background information and ideas about how to
proceed forward.  I'll put this task on my list (hah!) and see how much
progress I can make.

- --
Greg Larkin           - The Power To Serve     - Ready. Set. Code. - Follow me, follow you
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