zfs q regarding backup strategy

Daniel Lysfjord lysfjord.daniel at smokepit.net
Sun Oct 3 22:23:43 UTC 2021

"David Christensen" <dpchrist at holgerdanske.com> skrev 3. oktober 2021 kl. 21:14:

> On 10/3/21 02:20, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
>> On Sun, 3 Oct 2021 01:36:51 -0700 David Christensen wrote:
>> The easy option is to have the archive server boot from UFS so that
>> it can do things before ZFS starts up.
> I ran into the bootpool/ zroot issue when I built a FreeBSD root-on-ZFS USB flash drive for
> maintenance purposes. I saw a few choices:
> 1. Install with UFS, as you suggest. I have done this in the past and it works. But, ZFS is a
> killer feature. I want root-on-ZFS on all of my bootable devices; including maintenance USB flash
> drives.
> 2. Rename bootpool and zroot on the USB flash drive. I now set a unique root pool name during
> installation, but have not tried renaming bootpool.
> 3. Use the FreeBSD installer USB stick rescue/ live shell. I do this when I need to get inside an
> offline FreeBSD disk.
> 4. Use my Debian maintenance USB flash drive (MBR, ext4). This, plus an external USB HDD, is how I
> take/ restore/ clone OS disk images. Unfortunately, I do not see Debian packages for GELI or UFS. I
> have not tested ZFS compatability between Debian and FreeBSD.
>>> Do you have any idea if and what hooks are available during system boot
>>> and ZFS setup?
>> The easiest thing is to use the rc script dependency mechanism to
>> do things before zfs gets going.
> That sounds like a possibility.
>> KISS and UFS[1] I think.
> +1
> David

I run my backups from a FreeBSD server to a Debian server via SSH and zfs send | zfs receive. As long as you have the same features enabled on both sides, it works just fine.

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