Including a binary file into an .elf file - ld expert around?

Christoph Kukulies kuku at
Sun May 30 14:40:36 UTC 2021

I’m linking an object file to a .elf binary for downloading into an STM32F407-DISC1 target. Normally I could flash the binary (.bin) file.
But when I want to debug it, .ELF format comes into the scene.

Normally the process of generating the .BIN is that it is linked. After linking a piece of data is appended to the binary.
Say, the symbol of that end is „endOfPrimitives“, then another block of - let’s call them „tokens“, is appended to the file.

Now my problem: how can I tell the linker (ld) to include these data (maybe via loader map ) into the .ELF result?

I’ve read there is INPUT as a loader map command. But I don’t know how to cope with it.

Thanks for helping.


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