OS to replace FreeBSD

LuMiWa lumiwa at dismail.de
Sun Mar 21 20:48:47 UTC 2021

On Sun, 21 Mar 2021 16:18:09 -0400
Jerry <jerry at seibercom.net> wrote:

Mr. Jerry,

First I thought that we are drinking in the pub but no...

I was long time in research - genetics and no more work and enjoying
rest of the life.
And my story: long time ago I started with DOS on to 286 with 1 MB of
ram and 50 MG Quantum HD as I hobby. Than I found OS/2 which I love it
but the end came with WARP and I star with Linux. I forgot which was
firs, Debian or Slackware. I learn a little Pascale (it was must on the
university), learn Python which I use for work and and R and enjoy with
GIMP from the first version. And in all those years I had all the time
my built of kernel (and I am not smart with computers), FreeBSD from
version 6?? works for me as a desktop/workstation. Am I angry/mad
sometimes because something doesn't work? Yes, I am but I never blame
developers and title them with assholes.
I had some problem with my graphics card but I am using my wife
computer in this case and do not blame developers. If will be something
important for my work and FreeBSD is not good enough I will buy Apple
or Windows computer.

Have a good night.

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Jean Baudrillard

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