issue, cert date invalid, but no errors from letsencrypt

David Mehler dave.mehler at
Sun Mar 7 00:42:30 UTC 2021


I'm using on FreeBSD 12.2 renewing letsencrypt certificates. I
don't get an error issuing or renewing the certificate from
letsencrypt and I don't get any errors when atempting to deploy the
scripts in to the location where the web server detects them.

The problem comes when I atempt to access the site and I keep getting
from chrome a privacy message, and it says that the cert date is
invalid. So I go to where the .crt file is and do

openssl x509 -in serverKeyName.crt -noout -text

I checked the not before date and it shows not before August 2020. The
not-after date on the .crt file is November 2020, which I'm assuming
is my problem, but I don't understand why issue, renew, or deploy
isn't giving me a new key.

Any ideas?


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