
Ralf Mardorf ralf-mardorf at
Mon Jul 12 06:22:05 UTC 2021

On Mon, 12 Jul 2021 01:53:30 +0300, Nyakov Nyakovski wrote:
>On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 22:02:29 +0200 David Raver wrote:
>>Being unpleasantly surprised that, instead of a
>>oneliner, one has to buy a new keyboard with an extended life
>>expectancy in order to type an equivalent of Tolstoy's War and Peace.
>>Man, how hard is it to put something in a shell script?!?  
>Overall, you will get similar user experiences on lots of Linux
>distributions. Linux not equal Ubuntu.


For a wonder bread suitable for toasting isn't crisp after cooking it
in a pot of boiling water.

One user might be annoyed, if it requires a lot of work to enable
countless needed services, while another user might be annoyed, if it
requires a lot of work to disable countless counter-productive services.

One user might be annoyed, if the workflow of a needed application does
change with a weekly update and another user might be annoyed that
after a weekly update, a need application doesn't provide the latest
and greatest features introduced by upstream.

Taking care to get advance information, is not the same as the need to
have a doctorate.

I never read War and Peace, how much reading, copying and pasting was
done by Tolstoy?

Without getting information in the first place, even the user-friendly
OOTB approaches of Linux distros such as Ubuntu have got serious
pitfalls. Even Ubuntu provides several approaches. While Ubuntu always
follows the release model approach, not all releases are maintained for
the same amount of time. The lifetime of a LTS release is longer, than
that of non-LTS releases. After installing Ubuntu from the server
image, the installed Ubuntu doesn't provide a GUI by default. While
Ubuntu provides a lot of software easy to install by packages, not all
packages are well maintained [1].

Some software updates are exceptions from the general update policy.
Broadly speaking, in general software "foo" version 1.5 will never be
updated to version 1.6 within a release cycle. Instead it will stay
with version 1.5, but might get security patches, backported by
maintainers, or it stays vulnerable for the rest of the release cycle
[1]. Some software, Firefox comes to mind, gets updates even
from version 1.5 to version 28.7 within a release cycle.

Just to understand the policy of a user-friendly OOTB working Linux
distro requires to get a lot of information in the first place, to
avoid rude surprises subsequently.



The main component contains applications that are free software, can be
freely redistributed and are fully supported by the Ubuntu team [...]
and that the Ubuntu security and distribution team are willing to
support. When you install software from the main component, you are
assured that the software will come with security updates [...]." -


[...] Canonical does not provide a guarantee of regular security updates
for software in the universe component, but will provide these where
they are made available by the community. Users should understand the
risk inherent in using these packages. [...]" -

Actually most don't understand, since they just fire up the
user-friendly GUI to install software, without being aware that even
software installed from official Ubuntu repositories could be a
security risk.

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