xpdf ports

Gary Aitken freebsd at dreamchaser.org
Sun Jan 31 17:47:27 UTC 2021

On 1/31/21 4:18 AM, Tomasz CEDRO wrote:

> Hey Gary, did you consider using web browser as PDF viewer? Firefox
> and Chromium can open and display PDF files. The print is low quality
> but view works fine..

Not often, partly because my mind doesn't usually go there :-).  I try
to avoid chrome because I can't control it very well, and I usually have
enough firefox windows open it's hard to keep track of which is which.
And as you said, the print quality leads a lot to be desired.
I use xpdf, sometimes I need pdftk for combining or splitting documents,
and sometimes I use gimp to import at 300dpi or more for manipulating.


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