generate top-level pkg install list?

Gary Aitken freebsd at
Thu Jan 28 16:38:53 UTC 2021

>>> Any ideas for how to generate a list of packages installed
>>> deliberately and in sequence?
>> pkg prime-origins. It's in alphabetic order. Date can come from:
>> pkg info <name> | egrep "Name|Installed"
> Thanks.  I had the pkg info part, it was the pkg query part I
> needed. I see prime-origins is an alias; it doesn't show up in pkg
> help unless you already know about it.
> Seems like a note in pkg-message for the pkg port about the alias
> file would be a good idea. I just stumbled onto it last week,
> myself. 

wouldn't "pkg help" would be a better place, and a modification of the man
page to indicate the aliases don't show up in the individual "pkg help <cmd>"

Something like:

man pkg:
   alias  List ...
     Note that aliases for individual commands are not listed when
     "pkg help <command>" is done.

pkg help:
   Note on aliases:
     Aliases for specific commands are not listed when "pkg help <command>"
     is done.  To list aliases specific to a command, try "pkg alias | grep <command>", e.g. "pkg alias | grep query"

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